Using dotfiles and Git to manage your development environment across multiple computers

Your computer's dotfiles are a key piece of your development environment. Many of us work on multiple computers throughout the day (e.g. work laptop, desktop at home, etc.) and managing to keep settings consistent across machines is a pain. I'll walk you through one way to synchronize and back up your dotfiles utilizing a git repository.
Starting from scratch
Create a bare repository in your $HOME
mkdir $HOME/.dotfiles
git init --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
Add a .dotfiles-local-settings
file in your $HOME
directory. This file will be the home for any aliases, functions, values, etc. that you do not want to commit to the repository. I typically use this file for things like machine-specific values or aliases. For example:
# Create local settings file
touch $HOME/.dotfiles-local-settings
# The path to the development folder on this machine.
# This path may be different on my work computer
echo "alias dev=\"cd /d/adam/Development\"" >> $HOME/.dotfiles-local-settings
After creating this file and populating it with anything you'd like, duplicate it, and rename the duplicate file .dotfiles-local-settings.example
and clear out the values. This way, when you clone the repository to a new machine, you have a template to use to define your machine-specific settings.
One important entry to place into this file is the dotfiles
alias we will use to manage version control for our dotfiles. Let's add that now (you will only need one of the aliases below, depending on your computer):
Add a .gitignore
to your $HOME
directory to ensure it will ignore the dotfiles
folder where the bare repository lives, as well as your local settings file that you do not want in version control. You can also add any other files here you want to ensure do not get added:
echo -e "dotfiles/\n.dotfiles-local-settings" >> $HOME/.gitignore
Also add a .gitignore
to this new repository to ensure it will ignore the folder where you'll eventually clone it on another machine (prevents weird recursion problems):
echo "dotfiles/" >> $HOME/.dotfiles/.gitignore
Create an alias in your current environment for running git commands in the .dotfiles
repository we just created. Use the same alias we created earlier, as this one will only be used until we have everything up and running:
Next, configure the repository status to hide files we have not chosen to track (i.e. files we have not added), and to suppress the instructions on how to add ignored files:
# Hide files we have decided not to track
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
# Suppress the instructions on how to add ignored files
dotfiles config --local advice.addIgnoredFile false
Add the remote to the repository (change to the remote URL of your repo on GitHub, or wherever):
dotfiles remote add origin
Add the .gitignore
we created in our $HOME
directory to the repository:
dotfiles add $HOME/.gitignore
dotfiles commit -m "Adding .gitignore"
Now you can easily add other files to be tracked from where they are supposed to be.
For example, to add your .bashrc
dotfiles add $HOME/.bashrc
dotfiles commit -m "Adding .bashrc"
dotfiles push
I like to add separate files for functions, aliases, etc. To add these files, I use a specific naming convention that makes it easy to add the files to the repository that looks like this: .dotfiles-functions
and .dotfiles-aliases
Then, to add these files to source control, you can simply do this:
dotfiles add $HOME/.dotfiles-*
dotfiles commit -m "Adding custom files"
dotfiles push
Install on a new system
Clone your dotfiles into a bare repository in your other computer's $HOME
(change to the remote URL of your repo on GitHub, or wherever):
git clone --bare $HOME/.dotfiles
Add the alias to the .bashrc
or .zshrc
on the new machine (this will only be used until we have everything up and running):
Checkout the actual content from the bare repository to your $HOME
dotfiles checkout
You may receive an error message similar to the following:
error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please move or remove them before you can switch branches.
This is because your $HOME
folder may already contain some of the configuration files which would be overwritten by the checkout. To resolve, copy or back up the existing file(s) to another location if you care about them, otherwise, simply remove them.
If you'd like to back up the current settings, here's a shortcut to move the matching files to a new folder:
mkdir -p $HOME/dotfiles-originals-backup && \
dotfiles checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \
xargs -I{} mv {} $HOME/dotfiles-originals-backup/{}
Then, re-run the checkout:
dotfiles checkout
Set the showUntrackedFiles
flag to no
for this local copy of your dotfiles
dotfiles config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
Duplicate the .dotfiles-local-settings.example
file, and rename it to .dotfiles-local-settings
(removing .example
). Now, update the contents of the file to store the machine-specific values for this new computer. These settings will not be tracked in source control.
Be sure to include the dotfiles
alias we created in this file so you can access the dotfiles
command globally.
Making updates
So you're up and running with your new way of managing dotfiles. Great! 🎉 Now you want to make some updates, so let's walk through the update process.
Editing a tracked file
Let's say you want to add a new function to your custom .dotfiles-functions
file to create a new directory and change the current directory to it.
Open the .dotfiles-functions
file, and add the following lines:
# Create new directory and change current directory to it
function mkd() {
mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$_"
With our new function in place, adding this change to our tracked version is simple. First, we'll add the file, write a commit message, and push it to our remote repository:
# Remember to use your dotfiles alias!
dotfiles add -u
dotfiles commit -m "Adding new directory function"
dotfiles push
Now that the function lives in the repository, we can easily pull down the changes on another computer:
dotfiles pull
# Don't forget to source your .bashrc (or .zshrc, etc.) file
# to pull in the new function
source $HOME/.bashrc
Adding a new file
To add a new file to be tracked with our dotfiles setup, simply create and edit the file, ensure it doesn't have any personal information that shouldn't live in source control, and add it to version control.
Remember, if the file contains any personal information or machine-specific information, it's better to place the information in your .dotfiles-local-settings
For this example, maybe we want to force Vim to use a specific theme. Create a new file .vimrc
, and paste this content into the file:
set background=dark
colorscheme solarized
let g:solarized_termtrans=1
Now, let's add the new file to our dotfiles repository:
dotfiles add $HOME/.vimrc
dotfiles commit -m "Adding Vim config"
dotfiles push
Now that the new config file lives in our repository, we can easily pull down the new file to another computer:
dotfiles pull